Whatever You Build You Must Maintain
We often think "Wouldn't it be great to have that awesome widget!" We seldom think "We have to maintain that awesome widget we want!" Plan for maintenance even when the project is still in progress.
Too often, organizations get caught up in the excitement of launching a new initiative or implementing a shiny new tool, only to find themselves quickly overwhelmed by the ongoing burden of maintenance. While the initial thrill of "having" can be intoxicating, the reality is that every creation - whether a physical product, a software system, or a process improvement - requires dedicated resources and effort to sustain over time.
Successful project managers understand that maintenance is not an afterthought, but an integral part of the lifecycle. From the very inception of a project, they plan for the long-term upkeep and support needed to keep their "awesome widget" running smoothly. This might include budgeting for regular software updates, scheduling preventative equipment checks, or training a dedicated team to handle troubleshooting and user support.
By embedding maintenance considerations into the project plan, organizations can avoid the costly and disruptive consequences of neglect. Far too often, brilliant ideas and innovative solutions are allowed to languish, their potential squandered by a failure to invest in ongoing care and feeding. Savvy project leaders know that true success is not just about what you build, but also about what you commit to sustaining over time.